Wednesday, May 13, 2009

4 months old

Hello friends! Today was my 4 month check up at the doctors office and I'm continuing to grow. I am 25 inches tall (75%) and weigh 15 lbs 8 oz (90%). My head circumference is right at the fiftieth percentile at 40.8 cm. I am healthy and strong and was very brave when I got my two immunizations. I only cried a little...
Anyway, here are some fun videos, pictures and updates from the last month. Enjoy!

DRUM ROLL PLEASE...... I can now roll over from my tummy to my back. Here is a short video to prove it!

I have also started talking and I have quite a lot to say. Here is another little video with a short speech I've prepared...

I'm getting better at using my hands and I like to help hold my bottle.

I've developed a preference for sleeping in the dark. So, when mom puts me down for my nap, I like to put my fingers through the holes in my blanket (and my toes too, if I'm barefoot) and pull it over my head before falling asleep. Mom says the holes are big enough for me to be able to breath, so she lets me sleep this way (although she checks on me frequently!).

I love hanging out with Daddy. He dresses me in cute Dodger's gear and we like to go for walks outside.

I take "tummy time" very seriously. I am getting very strong arms and am working on my 6-pack abs. I like to lift my shirt to show off my tummy whenever I can...

I'm a happy and easy-going girl. I like to play games like patty-cake and horsey ride and love all the attention I get from mom and dad.

I can't wait to see what adventures the next month has in store for me!
Love to you all, Ella


Donetta said...

Soooo darling. She is really growing up. Can't wait to see her again.

Jenna said...

It is amazing what occurs in just a month, she is adorable, love to hear the details...cannot wait to play in June!

DeEtta said...

She is a cutie.

Adriann said...

Yay Ella! She is growing up and getting cuter and cuter! I loved her little speach. Well executed Ella! We love you!

Aunt Kathi said...

She's a beauty and I really love the videos! I have such fon watching my neices and nephews "grow up" through the blogs! You're all so far away. I know you are really enjoying her. Thanks for sharing! Love - Aunt Kathi