Sunday, August 16, 2009

7 months old

The last month was full of firsts and fun adventures. :)

I went on my first airplane ride. We flew to Salt Lake City on our way out to Portland.
I liked the airplane and didn't have much of a problem with the air pressure changes. I don't know why everyone always makes a big deal about that. I made friends with all of the people sitting around me and even managed a little nap on dad's lap. I found it is true, it is very hard to sleep on airplanes. My favorite part of the flight was the little bag of peanuts the flight attendant gave me to hold. The wrapper crinkled and it was red and shiny!

When we got to SLC, we stayed at my cousin Ivy's house. I got to sleep in her crib and play with some of her toys. It was lots of fun.

Ivy and I took our parents to Park City, UT to the Olympic Park. It was very cool to see the athletes practicing the ski jumps in the summer.

We even got to climb into a real Olympic style bobsled.

Park City was very pretty and they have something we don't have at home - mountains.

While I was in UT I had a chance to visit with my Aunt Jacque...

and my Aunt Tammy, as well as many other family members that I got to meet for the first time. I felt very popular. ;)

After our stop in Utah, we got on another plane and flew to Portland, OR. My Uncle Dave and Aunt Heather live there. We went to visit the famous rose gardens. The flowers were amazing and it smelled so nice!

Oregon was beautiful and we had a great time hiking and exploring the area. First we went to Wahkeena Falls. I love the outdoors and I was very excited to see the waterfall!

Grandma and Grandpa Brinkerhoff met us in Portland to join the adventure.

Our next stop was Multnomah Falls. They were even bigger than the first waterfalls. We hiked from the bottom up to the bridge. Dad and Uncle Dave hiked all the way to the top, but the rest of us waited at the bottom.

After the waterfalls, we went to the dam and then down to lighthouse point park. The park was very forested and we saw very old, very big trees.

Portland was great, but since this was my first time in the Pacific Northwest, we decided to drive up to Vancouver, B.C. and then stop in Seattle, WA on the way home. So, this was my first trip out of the country and my first time through immigration (which took 2 hours, by the way).
Here is a picture of me and mom and dad on top of the Seattle Space Needle. It was kind of windy, but a great view of the city.

On our last day back in Portland, we headed to the coast. We went to Cannon Beach which is known for the large stack rocks that stick out of the water. It was a little bit cold, but that didn't stop me from getting my feet wet. Now I can say that I've been in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans! :)

After getting wet, I laid on the beach for a while, just chilling, wearing my new BYU sweatshirt. I know, too cool for words!

Phew! The trip was fun, but exhausting. We made it back home and I'm getting back to my routine. Other noteworthy firsts - baby food and a new car seat. As for baby food, I don't really like the rice cereal that mom tries to feed me - so bland! - but I do like carrots and sweet potatoes. Also, since I've outgrown my infant car seat, I have a new car seat that is pink and brown with butterflies. I'll post a photo soon. The most important part about it, is that now, when we go somewhere, I no longer have to stay in my car seat on arrival, but get to ride in the stroller or be carried everywhere. I like it, but I can tell it will take some getting used to for mom. :)
I almost forgot to tell you, I have started teething. This is something that I'm not so much a fan of. I don't have any actual teeth yet, but every now and then it really hurts my mouth and I'm not a lot of fun to be around. Hopefully it won't be a long process, but I guess it is all just part of growing up.
Thanks for tuning in for my latest adventures.
Love, Ella


Grace said...

I could stare at her cute little face all day long!! She is too cute for her own good!!

Jenna said...

Ella, you are such a good lil' traveler! We were so glad we got the chance to see you and your parents at Ivy's, even if it wasn't for was well worth the stop. Best wishes with the teething, that's no fun to go through, but eventually it will be worth it!

Amy Coons said...

So many fantastic pictures! Ella is seriously the definition of adorable. Seriously. And, might I add that her mother had some REALLY cute photos in there too? What a great trip!!