Sunday, December 20, 2009

Santa baby

Hello friends! Time is just flying by. Can you believe I'm already 11 months old?! I weigh 24 lbs, have two teeth, and I pull myself up on everything to stand . Before you know it I'll be cruising all over the house.

And while that is all very impressive, I know, the biggest news is that I've just been to see Santa for the first time. And let me tell you, he is a very fascinating fellow. I just love his beard and his shiny glasses. Our visit was brief - we sized each other up, and then I told him what I wanted for Christmas. He's promised to deliver, so we'll see... :)

Okay, so before I get too excited about Christmas, let me tell you about my Thanksgiving adventure. We took a road trip down to Louisiana to visit my boyfriend Drew and his family. We had a great time just hanging out, but my favorite parts were playing with Drew's toys and our trip to the zoo.

I smile and nod and Drew tries to explain how it works (which of course I've already figured out)!

Snuggled up in our double stroller at the zoo...

My favorite animal at the zoo is the monkey - the gibbons were loud and playful - very fun to watch.

Best seat in the house...

Dad bought me a souvenir - a stuffed toucan as big as me!

Okay, back to present day Ohio, which, by the way, is much colder than I prefer. However, that has not diminished my love of the outdoors. I just have to put on my fuzzy jacket first...

Here I am modeling my new Christmas dress - red hot, right?!

My new favorite toy (early Christmas present) is my activity table. I can pull myself up to stand next to it to play. Almost everything I touch makes noise or plays a song, etc. It is great entertainment!

Um, okay - Mom insisted on including this picture. It is of me sleeping. She had laid me down for my nap, but I decided I wanted to sit up instead. However, while sitting, I got very tired, leaned over and passed out. Luckily Mom checked on me and was able to reposition me so that I didn't sleep like this for two hours! Pretty silly, I know.

Here are a few more fun pictures of me just being my sweet, adorable self. Enjoy!

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, too!
Sending lots of love!


Donetta said...

So cute, glad she liked Santa. I love the pigtails.

Jenna said...

All so fun...she just gets more and more adorable. The picture of her nap...I've always wondered how babies can do things like that, it's great you got a picture to preserve the memory. Merry Christmas Ella!

DeEtta said...

Ella is adorable and looks like a bundle of FUN!

Emilee said...

lisa, she is soooo beautiful.

Bethany said...

Oh my goodness....too too cute! I always look forward to the updates and reading along to see what the little chicamos is up to. :-D Cherry miss-miss!!